
We are where we are. So if you are in a low vibrational space, it is unlikely this message will hit you the right way. There is power in identifying where we are. When I do an EFT session with my clients, we begin by identifying how they are feeling on a scale of 1-10. Once we are done we reevaluate where they are. Almost always they have moved to a better feeling place. This is key to manifesting what you do want vs. what you don’t want. If the number scale doesn’t appeal to them they love using the Emotional Guidance Scale from Abraham-Hicks. I prefer this one.

EFT was instrumental in my shift to prosperity and ABUNDANCE MINDSET. It was magical how it would take me from a low vibrational place to a high vibe magnetic place. The right people appeared before me out of nowhere. Up until now my business has gotten to a prosperous place without any advertising or click funnels. Why? The Universe sends me people that are a match for my vibration. Like attracts like after all. So before I start my day, I tap. If I feel stuck I use EFT to help retrain my brain towards the positive thoughts that will benefit me. I am constantly rewiring my neural pathways to know that I am a magnet to ALL THE GOOD THE UNVIVERSE CAN GIVE ME.


The Ladder Technique


Excuses Begone!