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The illuminated teacher, Dr. Wayne Dyer was instrumental in my manifesting journey. His book Excuses Begone!: How to Change Lifelong, Self-Defeating Thinking Habits is a must read for those who wish to consciously manifest their dream life. Why? It is important to take responsibility for your life and what manifests into your experience. We are not letting those people that have abused us to be blameless, we are taking our power back! If you want to consciously co-create with the Universe we have to be in the driver seat. When we place blame outside of ourselves we have handed over our power to another. If we want to change our lives, but we require others outside of use to change we will be waiting an awfully long time.

I know this from my own trial and error, if I had an excuse for all the reasons things weren’t working out for me I would only be confirming that my life wouldn’t change. The more I defended the reasons things weren’t working in my favor, the more things didn’t work out for me. Sure, I had people I could blame, circumstances that I could blame- WHY THE HELL WOULD I SPEND TIME DEFENDING WHY THINGS WERE NOT WORKING??

I began to defend the reasons why it would make sense for things to work out for me. I spent time daily focused on my intentions. I took inspired action when I felt good. Little by little, the right people came towards me, the wrong people fell away. The Universe was listening and responding to my vibration. My life shifted. My income increased. My joy increased. My life improved in ways beyond my wildest dreams, and it continues to every day. What once seemed impossible to me is not only possible to me but it is my current REALITY. The same can happen for you, the first step is letting go of the need to defend what isn’t working for you.


Living Your Dream Come True


The Only Secret You Need to Know