How To Heal An Energy Spiral

colors spiral

Everything is energy.

When I went through my EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) training, and was working on a session with my teacher, I realized halfway through my session that the issue I was tapping on wasn’t a new development. In my mind’s eye I saw what looked like a spiral or coil that rooted back into the initial trauma that caused a negative pattern in my life. I realized that subconsciously I was recreating the feeling from the initial trauma, the people and situations may change, the experiences may change but the emotion triggered & my response were the same.

Want to know the best thing about how I do EFT? You are not required to tell me any of the details! In fact it is more powerful when you don’t. We start by giving it a name that only has meaning for you. Then I intuitively guide you through an EFT session helping to release the stored trauma, and stop the pattern of recreating it. I know it works because of my own personal experience. I offer EFT sessions remotely on Zoom.


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