Why Your Vision Board Didn’t Work

Stay focused on what you want.

Stay focused on what you want.

Vision Boards. Love them or hate them, since the advent of The Secret, you can’t swing your mala beads without hitting like 10 Vision Boards. I run classes on Vision Boards 4 times each year. Why do I love them despite many people claiming they are a joke? They work baby!

if it isn’t working you aren’t doing it right.

This dawned on me during a workshop I ran a few years back. Five woman and one man joined me for a day of Vision Board making. We meditated, we scripted, we did some of my exercises to figure out what we wanted out of life. Then it was time, everyone went to making their boards. Mid way through class a woman came up to me looking anxious.

“I don’t think this is for me,” she lamented. At first I was confused. She went on to explain that she wanted to post it on her Instagram, and she wanted the class to like what she made.

This was an a-ha moment for me. When I first made a vision board I remember doing the same damn thing, it wasn’t a conscious statement of: I need people to like this. It was more like, what is acceptable for me to want?

What’s your vision for your life?

What’s your vision for your life?

Can you feel the difference? The Quantum Field/Universe/God/Source likes clarity. You need to be absolutely clear on what you want. I have a great exercise in my Manifesting Bootcamp 30 day program that helps navigate what desires are yours and which ones are tied to a need for affirmation and acceptance from others. Vision Boards should be kept private. They are not to share with anyone but The Universe. Want to know why? If you can imagine telling someone you know about a huge desire you have. Their response is going to come from their own lens, and often without meaning to they will make a comment that can fill you with doubt. When manifesting doubt is a huge BLOCK. So keep your desires to yourself. Keep your vision board private. Take it out when you can be alone. If you are never alone (hello fellow parents!) I have a solution here.


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