The Only Secret You Need to Know

It’s a surprising secret!

It’s a surprising secret!

Feel good.

The end.

I wish there was more.

That was my sole intention for 30 days.

By the end of 30 days I had quadrupled my income. My intention each day was to do thing that made me feel GOOD. This looked like daily baths. Good coffee. Meditation. Gratitude journaling. Visualizing. Eating well. Yoga. Exercise. Think I am crazy? You’re not the first, but in this case, the proof was in the pudding. As a mom I obviously continued taking care of my children, but I freely said NO to things that made me feel uncomfortable. I said YES to anything and everything that made me feel JOY. It sounds too simple, but that was all it took. I made feeling good my ultimate goal each day. Ready to take the next step?


Excuses Begone!


Why Gratitude is Everything