Why Gratitude is Everything

If you do one thing to help raise your vibration, begin a daily gratitude journal!

If you do one thing to help raise your vibration, begin a daily gratitude journal!

When people ask me how I made the shift from lack to abundance, they are surprised to hear the first element of my metamorphosis is simply the practice of Gratitude Journaling. It seems simple. Too simple perhaps. I am here to tell you that the ritual of writing out the people, places, and things in your life that fill you with gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your vibration. Each morning I sit at my desk which I have set up to be visually pleasing and enjoyable to sit at. I light a candle and open up my gratitude journal. You don’t have to be fancy, but I use a journal that appeals to me and a set of colored felt tipped pens to make it more pleasurable. As with Vision Boards, this isn’t meant to be shared because you aren’t trying to impress anyone. You are simply training your brain to focus on things to be grateful for. The longer you do it, the easier it becomes, and in the process you have created a new neural pathway that makes it easier to focus on the good! Win-win if you ask me. Aside from that it makes you feel good to focus on the goodness that is already present in your life. It doesn’t have to be long, and don’t add things that give you a blah feeling, hold on to the parts of your life that make you feel pure joy!


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