Flower Essences

crab apple flower essence made in 2019

My Crab Apple Flower Essence

I was raised by generations of gardeners. Flowers were my first love language (and remain so.) I would take walks with my grandfather and as we strolled he would name all the flowers, and birds we saw. I spent my childhood among the flowers, picking bouquets for my mom, grandmothers, and teachers, always looking for evidence of fairies, while I daydreamed in the garden. I especially loved finding wild violet patches my absolute favorite flower. Flowers have always been important to me.

My personal relationship with flower essences began over 20 years ago, I was deep in my research to find healing when traditional methods failed to help. I have worked with flower essences for myself and my children since the were wee. Flower Essence Therapy is gentle, and in this way is ideal for even the youngest child. It also can be a powerful, self-directed approach to deep healing for adolescents and adults.

These beautiful potions help us heal ourselves from the inside-out. They help balance our emotional and spiritual energy bodies by supporting our natural healing process. They gently help us become aware of and shed old patterns and buried emotions that no longer serve us. The flowers help us learn how to approach things in a new way once the old patterns shift. In my own healing journey I find that Flower Essences are very supportive when working with emotional and spiritual pain, as well as the pain from unresolved trauma.

Once I began working in the Energy Medicine field I knew that Flower Essences would need to be something I offer due to how much it has helped me in my life! For centuries Flower Essences have been used around the world to address emotional and mental aspects of wellness. Each flower has a different vibration/energy that can be used to heal what may be lacking, or depleted in our lives.

When I meet with a Flower Essence Client, we start with an evaluation to give me a better understanding to your needs. As with all subtle energy medicine, it is a process. For most clients, the challenging emotion or behavior has developed over time and has resulted in certain, often unconscious, protective emotional "layers". In order for balance and a sense of well-being to be restored, the specified challenge and the corresponding "layers" must be addressed in a step by step process. Most clients do a total of two to four sessions. Some simply want to learn about Flower Essences and try them. Both are welcome. All consultations begin with a confidential online assessment to give me a better understanding of your goals with Flower Essences. We then meet on Zoom or in person for the rest. When the session is over I will craft you a personalized flower essence based on our session. For online clients I will ship out your personalized Flower Essence within 3 business days. If you are interested in a session contact me!


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