Freebie Friday: The Portable Vision Board

Vision Boards are supposed to be PRIVATE!

Vision Boards are supposed to be PRIVATE!

Vision boards are an excellent tool to have in your Manifesting Toolkit. In my book this is one of the exercises I highly recommend to my readers. Why? Looking at images of what you want to attract raises your vibration. When you are in an elevated state of emotion and you are intently focused on your desire and feeling the way you’ll feel with your wish fulfilled is the magic formula. If you live in house with multiple people it is pretty hard to have this huge poster board AND keep it private. My solution for this is utilizing Pinterest. It’s portable, private, and gets the job done.

How to Make a Private Pinterest Board

  1. Create a new Pinterest Board

  2. Choose the Keep It Secret Button

  3. Add images that represent your desires.

  4. Look through the board in the morning before you get out of bed, and again at night.

The key is to choose images that make you feel G O O D. If your desire feels unattainable then you need to clean up your vibration first. (I can help with that!) If it feels amazing when you look at the image, and you can visualize how you would feel having it then you’re on the right track!


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