Not Another Law of Attraction Post

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Do we need more information on how the Law of Attraction works? Maybe. There is a lot of confusion on the topic. It works something like this.

  1. You have a desire.

  2. You become a match to your desire energetically.

  3. You let go of the how/when/who/why.

  4. You maintain a high vibration.

  5. You receive your desire.

Easy right? Please note that my last sentence was dripping with sarcasm. It’s both easy and hard. It depends where you are at the beginning. Many people want to work with me. They see what has manifested in my life, and they want in. On average it takes me about 1 session to know what kind of progress will be made. Sometimes I recommend that we don’t work together. It isn’t because I don’t think they can manifest, but has more to do with where they are vibrating on the Emotional Scale.

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Most of us are asleep. We run on autopilot. We react to outside events. We blame others for all our problems. We spend our time waxing poetically about what is wrong with everything outside of us. We claim that if only XYZ would happen then we would be happy. We need everyone in the world to agree with us. We blame everything that goes wrong on everyone around us. There is no judgement here, but it is a fact that we always attract into our lives what we focus on, and what we feel strongly about. This will only resonate when you are on a higher rung on the scale. If you are in a negative space this will offend you.

I know this because this was me for a large portion of my life! It wasn’t until I was introduced to my first teacher on the subject that things would begin to shift for me, but it would take close to a decade and a half before it really clicked and things in my life changed in ways that would have been unbelievable to me earlier on my journey. It took that long because I had trained my brain to be negative, to be a victim, to be blameless in everything that was going wrong in my world. It was like M A G I C when I started using all the tools I picked up along the way. This can happen to all of you, all you need is to be open that maybe the way you have been operating isn’t truly serving you. You get to decide how things move forward. Are you ready to say yes?


How to Welcome More Abundance in Your Life (Freebie at end of post)